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Just wanted to say I received my drum in good order. I am really blown away and it was well worth the wait..... I was super excited to hear how rich the timbre this drum produces. Our group is super thrilled as well! Our group and more importantly me want to thank you and your team for the work put into this! I will be back when I need to get a katsugi daiko and shime next :) Cheers and again awesome job...
Alex S. – Living Sky Taiko
THANKS FOR QUICK SHIPPING (of the 24" x 24" okedo daiko.) I LOVE THE DRUM.
We ordered a pair of 48" okedo daiko heads last year and we finally finished our drum earlier this year. It sounds and looks good after hours and hours of hard work!
Troy S.
Yesterday I finally had a chance to assemble and tune the Shime with your heads and play it for an hour. Since the heads are pretuned to a high pitch already it was easy work. The sound is incredible, very loud and cutting but with a nice clear tone. And the look is just great. Good work! I will recommend your quality to others. The poplar bachi also feel good. They are the lightest and also shortest I have which makes them especially suitable for fast playing. I also like the rounded tip.
Just wanted to let you know we received the Shime Daikos yesterday....they are amazing! Beautiful work!
Ed S. – Director of Bands
Thanks again for all your hard work and fine craftsmanship. The drums arrived safely (chu daiko) and we\'re all excited by the arrival! All the best! Cheers.
Wynn Y.
My customized 24"x24" okedo just arrived, I love it thank you very much.
Matty W.
The okedo arrived last week to me in Finland. I was worried about it traveling such a long distance, but it arrived in perfect condition. The shell has beautiful grain and the heads are so thick it produces a very deep tone.
Santeri L.
The drums look great, they sounds great and they are just awesome.
Patrick R. Percussion Coordinator/Technician/Arranger
Greetings, Our drum arrived today. It is truly magnificent; both the visual and the tone! What an honor to own one of these exquisite works of art you have created. It will be a central focus on our stage. I will send you pictures and our new CD when it is complete.
Beverly G.
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