Just wanted to say I received my drum in good order. I am really blown away and it was well worth the wait..... I was super excited to hear how rich the timbre this drum produces. Our group is super thrilled as well! Our group and more importantly me want to thank you and your team for the work put into this! I will be back when I need to get a katsugi daiko and shime next 🙂 Cheers and again awesome job...
Alex S. – Living Sky Taiko http://livingskytaiko.wordpress.com/
VERY pleased to let you know that my drums have arrived..... I am seriously overwhelmed at how beatiful they are and can't wait to get them on their stands to play.... Perfect timing as I have rehearsal tonight and can give them a proper try out.
Elizabeth C.
These two nagado taiko drums are A W E S O M E !!! Thanks for the stands as they are a good solid bit of support for the jo, oops, nagado. Again, good work and beauty.
Jo-Ren M.
Received our chu-daiko (nagado daiko) Friday afternoon. We debut the drum during our Obon Festival. The drum is really great!!! It was so well tuned that its loud beat made me deaf and I couldn\'t here my Sensei playing and I was off beat for most of a 4 minute song. This drum had a distinct, loud and clean sound!!
Donald Y.
Just wanted to let you know we received the Shime Daikos yesterday....they are amazing! Beautiful work!
Ed S. – Director of Bands
was last modified: September 24th, 2015