24″ x 24″ Okedo Daiko
Product Information
Categories: Okedo Daiko, Taiko Drums$2,000.00
24″ Diameter Head – 24″ Tall Body
Handcrafted Red Oak Body
Hand Sewn Rawhide Heads
Solid Steel Rings
Solid Braid Rope
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Everything arrived yesterday and beautiful work beyond expectation! Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2014!
William W.
Our drum arrived safely today (and so did our other member's surprise drum, that their mom ordered for Christmas). It looks and sounds wonderful. Thanks to everyone who worked on it!
Lani H.
Yesterday I finally had a chance to assemble and tune the Shime with your heads and play it for an hour. Since the heads are pretuned to a high pitch already it was easy work. The sound is incredible, very loud and cutting but with a nice clear tone. And the look is just great. Good work! I will recommend your quality to others. The poplar bachi also feel good. They are the lightest and also shortest I have which makes them especially suitable for fast playing. I also like the rounded tip.
Greetings, Our drum arrived today. It is truly magnificent; both the visual and the tone! What an honor to own one of these exquisite works of art you have created. It will be a central focus on our stage. I will send you pictures and our new CD when it is complete.
Beverly G.
I cannot tell you sufficiently how magnificent and sonorous the drum is, and how much we appreciate it. The drum and stand are much larger than I\'d anticipated. Seeing them in person is astonishing. I\'ve been admiring the structure of our Hira Daiko drum today. The wooden body has lovely woodgrain, and is absolutely perfectly aligned, all the way around the circumference of the drum. I can't even see any delineation between one piece of wood and the next piece. How on earth did you do that?!
Presto R.