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The drums (nagado daiko) are beautiful and sound awesome. Thank you! You may have additional customers once we show them off to the others in our drum class.
Rita W.
The okedo arrived last week to me in Finland. I was worried about it traveling such a long distance, but it arrived in perfect condition. The shell has beautiful grain and the heads are so thick it produces a very deep tone.
Santeri L.
Yesterday I finally had a chance to assemble and tune the Shime with your heads and play it for an hour. Since the heads are pretuned to a high pitch already it was easy work. The sound is incredible, very loud and cutting but with a nice clear tone. And the look is just great. Good work! I will recommend your quality to others. The poplar bachi also feel good. They are the lightest and also shortest I have which makes them especially suitable for fast playing. I also like the rounded tip.
VERY pleased to let you know that my drums have arrived..... I am seriously overwhelmed at how beatiful they are and can't wait to get them on their stands to play.... Perfect timing as I have rehearsal tonight and can give them a proper try out.
Elizabeth C.
The three bolt tuned shime daiko have arrived and they are spectacular! Thank you for your quality work. If we can be of help in recommending taikos.com, please let us know.
Jo-Ren M.
My customized 24"x24" okedo just arrived, I love it thank you very much.
Matty W.
This is a beautiful and nice sounding taiko - its unlike anything in my collection Im so enjoying showing it off and playing it. The wood finish is amazing. I think I will need more...
Michael M
Received our chu-daiko (nagado daiko) Friday afternoon. We debut the drum during our Obon Festival. The drum is really great!!! It was so well tuned that its loud beat made me deaf and I couldn\'t here my Sensei playing and I was off beat for most of a 4 minute song. This drum had a distinct, loud and clean sound!!
Donald Y.
Greetings, Our drum arrived today. It is truly magnificent; both the visual and the tone! What an honor to own one of these exquisite works of art you have created. It will be a central focus on our stage. I will send you pictures and our new CD when it is complete.
Beverly G.
We received our shime daiko today, and I must say...WE LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much for a great product. The resonance and clarity of this drum is amazing. We will be in contact with you in the future for 2 more... Definitely worth the short wait to have you make this for us.
Daniel C.
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